Amy Greimann Carlson wears a silver ear cuff with a dangly and eats grilled Hummel’s hotdogs from New Haven when she’s not reading Basho or pilgrimaging in Japan. She adores cutting words out of National Geographic and Smithsonian to appease her language obsession and believes in an extensive word pool as well as in haiku’s depth in few words. She also has taught magically inclined children for years who have shown her the way back to enchantment. On occasion, she dabbles with the adult right brain in workshop settings around the Pacific Northwest. She is coeditor of Travelers Tales’ Japan, about which Time magazine said, “Readers will be equipped to plot a rewarding course through the bewitching cultural landscape that is Japan.” She has also written for or edited other anthologies in the award-winning series: A Woman’s Path, The Gift of Birds, Australia, and A Woman’s Asia. Her writing has also appeared in the on-line magazine, Perceptive Travel, as well as on numerous websites. She lives in the Cascade Mountains with her husband and rabbit … and now she dives into Wenatchee Valley College!