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BUS 245 Small Business Management

(please note, this is a sample, specific years are on file with the school)


INSTRUCTOR:  Jean Rodgers     

Office Hours:  Posted at Room 503 and by appointment

Office Phone:  422-7846




This course offers students an in-depth study of Small Business Management and an opportunity to develop a business plan for a new or existing business.  Additional topics include human resource management, forms of ownership, operational planning, and establishing and maintaining competitive advantage.



This is a hybrid class with face to face classroom meetings Tuesdays from 8:00 AM to 10:20 AM. Students should plan to meet with their teams on Thursdays.  This format provides students with a chance to experience small business management in the classroom and have the flexibility to supplement that learning on their own time.  On the average, students are expected to spend about 3 to 5 hours online and access the Internet 3 times per week.  Students may use the computer lab at Room 204 or Room 205.  Additional hours are required for reading, writing, and team assignments.



Entrepreneurship: A Real-World Approach  by Rhonda Abrams, PlanningShop, 2012
ISBN 978-1-933895-26-0.  Access to the Internet is required, as is the use of e-mail and Canvas.



Upon successful completion of this course, students will

      Have a practical understanding of entrepreneurship and small business management concepts, problems and opportunities.

      Critically evaluate and apply small business management principles to the current business environment.

      Communicate effectively in writing and orally.

      Use web-based and print resources to expand knowledge and apply key business concepts.

      Interact appropriately and responsibly with classmates in group activities, assignments and discussions.

      Apply an ethical set of values as they relate to small business management.



·         Late or missed assignments and exams earn zero points.  The fine print:  In the case of an unavoidable emergency, it may be possible for a student - who takes the initiative to contact the instructor immediately (within hours, not days) - to earn partial credit.

·         Please attend class and participate respectfully.  Missing class means missing any associated participation and homework points.  No make-up work is provided.  Plan a consistent time to do your work and have a backup plan for doing online assignments. 

·         Plagiarism and cheating result in failing the assignment and class, respectively.

·         Assistance is available at the Student Learning Center.

·         Texting, talking on the phone, using a computer for purposes other than class notes/assignments, sleeping, arriving late, leaving early and/or other disrespectful classroom behaviors will affect your grade. 



The College has support services for students with diagnosed disabilities.  If you require academic accommodations, please provide your “Instructor Correspondence Form” as soon as possible so we can discuss meeting your needs.  You will have this form after meeting with Vicki Turner, Student Resource Center, telephone 422-7812.  These services are voluntary and confidential.  If you do not have a documented disability, but believe you may need testing for one, please see Vicki.  Following through on these services can help you be more successful at WVC.  If you have any other special needs, please see me.





IN-CLASS activities, participation, respect and readiness (add value)


WEEKLY Online Activities


     Team/Shark Tank progress



see below



TEAM/SHARK TANK Assignment: Participate in a business planning simulation and online discussions.





The minimum points for each letter grade are shown below:

95  A

91 A-

89 B+

84  B

80  B-

78  C+ 

73  C

70  C-

68  D+

60 D