Attlee, Clement |
Labor Party |
Allende, Salvador |
Marxist president, Chile |
Baker, James |
US Sec. Of State 1989-93 |
Baker, Kenneth |
Conservative Minister 1981-92 |
Balcerowicz, Leszek |
Finance Minister, Poland 1989-91 |
Becker, Gary |
Professor of Ec Univ of Chicago |
Benn, Tony |
Britain Labor Candidate 1945 |
Bielecki, Jan |
Prime Minister, Poland 1991 |
Bielzyck, Zofia |
Gym Owner, Poland |
Bosch, Alfred |
Economist |
Breyer, Stephen |
US Supreme Court Justice |
Bush, George |
US President 1989-1993 |
Bush, George W. |
US President |
Capstick, Ken |
National Union of Miners |
Cariaga, Juan |
Finance Minister, Bolivia 1986-88 |
Carter, Jimmy |
US President |
Castanedo, Jorge |
Foreign Minister of Mexico |
Castle, Barbara |
Labor MP 1945-1979 |
Cheney, Richard |
US Vice President |
Chidambaram, P |
Indian Finance Minister 1996-98 |
Chubais, Anatoly |
Economic Reformer (Russia) |
Churchill, Winston |
Clinton, Bill |
US President 1993-2001 |
Corzine, Jon |
Co-chairman, Goldman Sachs 1994-1999 |
Cottrill, Mary |
Principal Investment Officer, CalPERS |
Crist, Bill |
President of CalPERS |
Crook, Clive |
Deputy Editor, The Economist |
De Castro, Sergio |
Finance Minister, Chile 1974-82 |
De Soto, Hernando |
Founder/Dir., institute for Liberty and Democracy, Peru |
Desai, Meghnad |
Professor, London School of Ec |
Draper, Tim |
Venture Capitalist |
Eccles, Spencer |
Salt Lake City Banker |
Fischer, Stanley |
First Dep Man Director, Int’l Monetary Fund 1994-01 |
Fox, Vicente |
President of Mexico |
Foxley, Alejandro |
Finance Minister, Chile 1990-94 |
Friedman, Milton |
Professor Emeritus, Univ of Chicago |
Gaidar, Yegor |
Economic Reformer (Russia) |
Galbraith, John Kenneth |
Professor Emeritus, Harvard University |
Garnett, Mark |
Biographer of Keith Joseph |
Gephardt, Richard |
Democratic Leader, US House of Rep |
Gingrich, Newt |
Speaker, US House Rep 1995-99 |
Gorbachev, Mikhail |
General Secretary, Communist Party 1985-91 |
Gordievsky, Oleg |
KGB Defector |
Hamill, Judith |
Admin, Chicago O’Hare Airport |
Harberger, Arnold |
Professor Emeritus, Univ of Chicago |
Harcourt, Geoffrey |
Professor, Cambridge University |
Harris, Ralph |
Institute of Ec Affairs 1957-87 |
Hayek, Laurence |
Hayek’s son |
Hayek, Friedrich Von |
Economist |
Isabel, Maria |
Factory Worker, Tijuana, Mexico |
Jankowski, Father Henry |
St. Brygida Church, Gdansk |
Jordan, Boris |
President, The Sputnik group |
Joseph, Keith |
Minister in defeated govt. |
Kahn, Alfred |
Civil Aeronautics Board 1977-78 |
Kelly, Roberto |
Junta Economic Planner |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald |
US President 1961-63 |
Keynes, John Maynard |
Economist |
Khamutov, Yuri |
Norilsk Factory Worker |
King, Gretchen |
Media Activist, Indep. Media Center |
Kovalchuk, Valery |
Former Norilsk Factory Manager |
Lagos, Ricardo |
Prsident, Chile |
Laker, Freddy |
Owner of Laker Airways |
Lee, Cecilia |
Wife of David Lee |
Lee, David |
Entrepreneur |
Lee, Thea |
Assistant Director for Int’l Economics, AFL-CIO |
Lindsey, Larry |
Assistant to President for Ec Policy |
Loong, Lee Hsien |
Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore |
Lozada, Gonzalo Sanchez |
President, Bolivia 1993-97 |
Maruya, Kaori |
Parlimentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Japan |
McDonough, William |
President, Federal Reserve Bank of NY |
Mises, Ludwig Von |
Libertarian (free markets) |
Mkapa, Benjamin |
President of Tanzania |
Mobius, Mark |
Managing Director of Templeton Investments |
Mohamad, Mahathir Bin |
Prime Minister of Malaysia |
Murthy, Narayana |
Chairman, Infosys Technologies |
Naim, Moises |
Editor, Foreign Policy Magazine |
Naitoh, Masahisa |
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Japan 1961-93 |
Nixon, Richard |
US President 1969-74 |
Panyarachun, Anand |
Prime Minister of Thailand, 1991-93 |
Parkinson, Cecil |
Conservative minister 1981-83, 87-89 |
Peltzman, Sam |
Professor, Univ of Chicago |
Perot, Ross |
Reform Party Presidential Candidate, 1992 |
Pinochet, Gen. Augusto |
Chile’s military junta leader |
Pohl, Karl Otto |
President, German Cenral Bank 1980-91 |
Potanin, Vladimir |
President, Interrow Holding Company |
Powell, Charles |
Thatcher’s Foreign Affairs Advisor 1983-91 |
Quiroga, Jorge |
President, Bolivia |
Ramesh, Jairam |
Sr. Ec Advisor to India’s Congress Party 1991-98 |
Randall, Kenneth |
Chairman of the FDIC 1964-70 |
Reagan, Ronald |
US President 1981-1989 |
Redwood, John |
Head of Prime Ministers Policy Unit 1983-85 |
Romashkin, Vassily |
Former Political prisoner |
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano |
US President |
Rose, Charlie |
Journalist and Talk Show Host |
Rubin, Robert |
Co-chairman, goldman Sachs, 1990-92 US Secretary of the Treasury 1995-99 |
Sachs, Jeffrey |
Professor, Harvard University |
Sakakibara, Eisuke |
Vice Minister of Finance, Japan 1997-99 |
Scargill, Arthur |
Shafik, Nemat |
Vice President, The World Bank |
Shengxin, Lin |
Factory Worker, China |
Shevtsova, Lilia |
Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center |
Shultz, George |
Dean Chicago Grad School of Business 1962-68 US Sec of State 1982-89 |
Singh, Jaggi |
Activist, Canada |
Singh, Manmohan |
Minister of France 1991-96 |
Sinha, Yashwant |
Indian Finance Minister |
Skidelsky, Robert |
Biographer of JM Keynes |
Smith, Darren |
Farmer |
Solow, Robert |
Professor Emeritus, MIT |
Stanislaw, Joseph |
Co-author, Commanding Heights |
Stein, Ben |
Host, quiz show host |
Summers, Lawrence |
President, Harvard University US Sec of Treasury 1999-01 |
Tesha, Philip |
Coffee Farmer, Tanzania |
Thatcher, Margaret |
British Prime Minister 1979-90 |
Tyson, Laura |
Chair of US Nat’l Economic Council 1993-95 |
Vial, Javier |
President, Assoc of Banks, 1973 (Chile) |
Walesa, Lech |
President, Poland 1990-95 |
Wallach, Lori |
Global Trade Watch |
Wolfensohn, James |
President, The World Bank |
Wrzodak, Zygmunt |
Union Leader, Ursus Tractor factory |
Vinson, Nigel |
Institute of Economic Affairs |
Volcker, Paul |
Federal Reserve Board 1979-87 |
Voravetvuthikun, Sirivat |
Former Real Estate Developer, Thailand |
Yavlinsky, Grigory |
Economic Reformer |
Yergin, Daniel |
Author, Commanding Heights |
Yew, Lee Kuan |
Senior Minister of Singapore |
Young, David |
Conservative Minister 1984-89 |
Zlabinger, Albert |
Economist and Pupil of Hayek |