Attlee, Clement

Labor Party

Allende, Salvador

Marxist president, Chile

Baker, James

US Sec. Of State 1989-93

Baker, Kenneth

Conservative Minister 1981-92

Balcerowicz, Leszek

Finance Minister, Poland 1989-91

Becker, Gary

Professor of Ec Univ of Chicago

Benn, Tony

Britain Labor Candidate 1945

Bielecki, Jan

Prime Minister, Poland 1991

Bielzyck, Zofia

Gym Owner, Poland

Bosch, Alfred


Breyer, Stephen

US Supreme Court Justice

Bush, George

US President 1989-1993

Bush, George W.

US President

Capstick, Ken

National Union of Miners

Cariaga, Juan

Finance Minister, Bolivia 1986-88

Carter, Jimmy

US President

Castanedo, Jorge

Foreign Minister of Mexico

Castle, Barbara

Labor MP 1945-1979

Cheney, Richard

US Vice President

Chidambaram, P

Indian Finance Minister 1996-98

Chubais, Anatoly

Economic Reformer (Russia)

Churchill, Winston


Clinton, Bill

US President 1993-2001

Corzine, Jon

Co-chairman, Goldman Sachs 1994-1999

Cottrill, Mary

Principal Investment Officer, CalPERS

Crist, Bill

President of CalPERS

Crook, Clive

Deputy Editor, The Economist

De Castro, Sergio

Finance Minister, Chile 1974-82

De Soto, Hernando

Founder/Dir., institute for Liberty and Democracy, Peru

Desai, Meghnad

Professor, London School of Ec

Draper, Tim

Venture Capitalist

Eccles, Spencer

Salt Lake City Banker

Fischer,  Stanley

First Dep Man Director, Int’l Monetary Fund 1994-01

Fox, Vicente

President of Mexico

Foxley, Alejandro

Finance Minister, Chile 1990-94

Friedman, Milton

Professor Emeritus, Univ of Chicago

Gaidar, Yegor

Economic Reformer (Russia)

Galbraith, John Kenneth

Professor Emeritus, Harvard University

Garnett, Mark

Biographer of Keith Joseph

Gephardt, Richard

Democratic Leader, US House of Rep

Gingrich, Newt

Speaker, US House Rep 1995-99

Gorbachev, Mikhail

General Secretary, Communist Party 1985-91

Gordievsky, Oleg

KGB Defector

Hamill, Judith

Admin, Chicago O’Hare Airport

Harberger, Arnold

Professor Emeritus, Univ of Chicago

Harcourt, Geoffrey

Professor, Cambridge University

Harris, Ralph

Institute of Ec Affairs 1957-87

Hayek, Laurence

Hayek’s son

Hayek, Friedrich Von


Isabel, Maria

Factory Worker, Tijuana, Mexico

Jankowski, Father Henry

St. Brygida Church, Gdansk

Jordan, Boris

President, The Sputnik group

Joseph, Keith

Minister in defeated govt.

Kahn, Alfred

Civil Aeronautics Board 1977-78

Kelly, Roberto

Junta Economic Planner

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald

US President 1961-63

Keynes, John Maynard


Khamutov, Yuri

Norilsk Factory Worker

King, Gretchen

Media Activist, Indep. Media Center

Kovalchuk, Valery

Former Norilsk Factory Manager

Lagos, Ricardo

Prsident, Chile

Laker, Freddy

Owner of Laker Airways

Lee, Cecilia

Wife of David Lee

Lee, David


Lee, Thea

Assistant Director for Int’l Economics, AFL-CIO

Lindsey, Larry

Assistant to President for Ec Policy

Loong, Lee Hsien

Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore

Lozada, Gonzalo Sanchez

President, Bolivia 1993-97

Maruya, Kaori

Parlimentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Japan

McDonough, William

President, Federal Reserve Bank of NY

Mises, Ludwig Von

Libertarian (free markets)

Mkapa, Benjamin

President of Tanzania

Mobius, Mark

Managing Director of Templeton Investments

Mohamad, Mahathir Bin

Prime Minister of Malaysia

Murthy, Narayana

Chairman, Infosys Technologies

Naim, Moises

Editor, Foreign Policy Magazine

Naitoh, Masahisa

Ministry of Trade and Industry, Japan 1961-93

Nixon, Richard

US President 1969-74

Panyarachun, Anand

Prime Minister of Thailand, 1991-93

Parkinson, Cecil

Conservative minister 1981-83, 87-89

Peltzman, Sam

Professor, Univ of Chicago

Perot, Ross

Reform Party Presidential Candidate, 1992

Pinochet, Gen. Augusto

Chile’s military junta leader

Pohl, Karl Otto

President, German Cenral Bank 1980-91

Potanin, Vladimir

President, Interrow Holding Company

Powell, Charles

Thatcher’s Foreign Affairs Advisor 1983-91

Quiroga, Jorge

President, Bolivia

Ramesh, Jairam

Sr. Ec Advisor to India’s Congress Party 1991-98

Randall, Kenneth

Chairman of the FDIC 1964-70

Reagan, Ronald

US President 1981-1989

Redwood, John

Head of Prime Ministers Policy Unit 1983-85

Romashkin, Vassily

Former Political prisoner

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

US President

Rose, Charlie

Journalist and Talk Show Host

Rubin, Robert

Co-chairman, goldman Sachs, 1990-92

US Secretary of the Treasury 1995-99

Sachs, Jeffrey

Professor, Harvard University

Sakakibara, Eisuke

Vice Minister of Finance, Japan 1997-99

Scargill, Arthur


Shafik, Nemat

Vice President, The World Bank

Shengxin, Lin

Factory Worker, China

Shevtsova, Lilia

Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center

Shultz, George

Dean Chicago Grad School of Business 1962-68

US Sec of State 1982-89

Singh, Jaggi

Activist, Canada

Singh, Manmohan

Minister of France 1991-96

Sinha, Yashwant

Indian Finance Minister

Skidelsky, Robert

Biographer of JM Keynes

Smith, Darren


Solow, Robert

Professor Emeritus, MIT

Stanislaw, Joseph

Co-author, Commanding Heights

Stein, Ben

Host, quiz show host

Summers, Lawrence

President, Harvard University

US Sec of Treasury 1999-01

Tesha, Philip

Coffee Farmer, Tanzania

Thatcher, Margaret

British Prime Minister 1979-90

Tyson, Laura

Chair of US Nat’l Economic Council 1993-95

Vial, Javier

President, Assoc of Banks, 1973 (Chile)

Walesa, Lech

President, Poland 1990-95

Wallach, Lori

Global Trade Watch

Wolfensohn, James

President, The World Bank

Wrzodak, Zygmunt

Union Leader, Ursus Tractor factory

Vinson, Nigel

Institute of Economic Affairs

Volcker, Paul

Federal Reserve Board 1979-87

Voravetvuthikun, Sirivat

Former Real Estate Developer, Thailand

Yavlinsky, Grigory

Economic Reformer

Yergin, Daniel

Author, Commanding Heights

Yew, Lee Kuan

Senior Minister of Singapore

Young, David

Conservative Minister 1984-89

Zlabinger, Albert

Economist and Pupil of Hayek