1.    What happens when governments control or dominate a national economy?

2.    Why have most countries in the world turned back toward free-market capitalism after 80 years of experimentation with socialism and communism?

3.    What are the benefits and drawbacks of the capitalist economic system?

4.    What happens when command economies transform into market economies? How is the transition best undertaken?

5.    Is there a relationship between open markets and political freedom?

6.    What are the benefits and dangers of open flows of capital and trade in goods across all national borders?

7.    What have we learned about the effects of imposing price and wage controls, of deficit spending, trade tariffs, subsidies and the government use of fiscal vs. monetary policy?

8.    In designing new rules for the evolving global economy, how should we address the risks of economic contagion, currency and debt crises, and other dangers to peace and stability?

9.    As global capital markets have opened up and investors can invest or withdraw support from entire national economies at will, what has been the impact of "market discipline" on national economic and political autonomy?

10.                       Is the open market, capitalist economic philosophy now the only viable model for fostering economic development and prosperity?


Commanding Heights

(22 points)

Guided Questions/Notes (12)

  1. Take notes while viewing the DVD.  For full credit, your notes should be neat, complete, and well organized.  You may wish to organize your notes by question, chronology, or country.
  2. After viewing Part 1, select one of the questions and prepare a comprehensive response (not to exceed one page).  For full credit, your response should be typed and free of grammatical and spelling errors.  
  3. This response is due at the next class meeting after Part 1 is shown.  For example, if the class finishes viewing DVD Part 1 on May 30, your paper is due June 1. 
  4. After viewing Part 2, select one of the questions and prepare a comprehensive response (not to exceed one page).  For full credit, your response should be typed and free of grammatical and spelling errors.  
  5. This response is due at the next class meeting after Part 2 is shown.  For example, if the class finishes viewing DVD Part 2 on June 6, your paper is due June 8.
  6. After viewing Part 3 on June 13, turn in the notes taken during all three parts.


Economic Architect Profile (5)

Select one of the economic architects listed at the commanding heights web site (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/lo/people/pe_architects.html) and prepare a summary of the profile information.  There is no duplication of topics, so be sure you sign up for a unique person.  Your summary should be typed, error free and less than two pages.  Papers are due May 30.


U.S. vs. Other Country Table (5)

Select one of the countries, in addition to the United States listed at the commanding heights web site (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/lo/countries/index.html).  There is no duplication of topics, so be sure you sign up for a unique county.  Prepare a table that compares and contrasts the economic indicators for the United States and your selected country. The table should be typed.  Papers are due May 30.