Themes of the Week:
This week we will look at the main events in Pacific Northwest geology during the Paleozoic era and even farther back in time to the oldest rocks in the region, which are over 3 billion years old.
To fully explore these themes you will:
- Describe how the Paleozoic passive margin geology of the Northwest led to widespread deposits of continental shelf and deeper water sedimentary layers.
- Describe the transgressions and regressions of the ocean onto the continent that occurred during the Paleozoic, including the inland sea.
- Recognize and explain sequences of sedimentary deposits associated with transgressions and regressions of the sea.
- Describe when and where the Antler orogeny occurred.
- Summarize the evidence for, and apparent effects of, late Proterozoic rifting of the continent.
- Describe the strata and sedimentary structures of the Proterozoic Belt Supergroup and the depositional environments in which they formed.
- Describe the oldest continental crust in the Pacific Northwest--the Archean basement of the Rocky Mountain region, including the types of rocks and how they formed.
By completing the following:
- Read Lecture 10-The Paleozoic era and the Precambrian in the Pacific Northwest and its linked Basics and Focus pages and refer to them in your assignments.
- Participate in the Week 10 Discussion in the online classroom. See Weekly Discussion Rubric
- Read Week 10 Lab Assignment. Complete Lab Assignment #10 by:
- submitting the online Lab #10 answer form in the online classroom
- Take Quiz #10 in the online classroom. See the Weekly Quiz Rubric.
- At the end of the week, compose a summary of the main things you learned about the geology of the Pacific Northwest and post it in the online classroom Week 10 Summary. See the Weekly Summary Rubric.
Your PNW Geology Term Project, which you are sending via postal mail, is due by the last day of this week. Your Term Project Written Summary, which you are posting online, is due by the fifth day of this week.
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Geology of the Pacific Northwest
Agenda Week 10
updated: 6/21/13
Agenda Week 10
updated: 6/21/13