Photos of Pacific Coast, Cascades, Columbia Plateau
Geology of the Pacific Northwest

Week 4 Agenda

Themes of the Week:

The geologic themes for this week include the basic concepts of plate tectonics and the rock cycle.

To fully explore these themes you will:

By completing the following:

  1. Read Lecture 4-Plate tectonics and the rock cycle along with its linked Basics and Focus pages and refer to them in your assignments.
  2. Participate in the Week 4 Discussion in the online classroom. See Weekly Discussion Rubric
  3. Read #4 Lab Assignment. Complete Lab Assignment #4 by:
    1. submitting the Lab #4 answer form in the online classroom
    See Lab Rubric
  4. Take Quiz #4 in the online classroom. See the Weekly Quiz Rubric.
  5. At the end of the week, compose a summary of the main things you learned about the geology of the Pacific Northwest and post it in the online classroom Week 4 Summary. See the Weekly Summary Rubric.

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Geology of the Pacific Northwest
Agenda Week 4
updated: 6/21/13