Photos of Pacific Coast, Cascades, Columbia Plateau
Geology of the Pacific Northwest

Week 5 Agenda

Themes of the Week:

This week's themes focus on accreted terranes and continental growth, including how much of the Pacific Northwest has been added to the continent by the accretion of exotic terranes.

To fully explore these themes you will:

By completing the following:

  1. Prepare your Term Project Plan. See the Term Project Plan Instructions.
  2. Check that your term project plan meets the standards outlined in the Term Project Plan Rubric. After making any necessary revisions to your plan, post it in the Term Project Plan folder.
  3. Read Lecture 5-PNW accretionary tectonic history and its linked Basics and Focus pages and refer to them in your assignments.
  4. Participate in the Week 5 Discussion, in which, among other topics, you post a message telling the rest of us the location of your term project field site and why you think it is a suitable site for a term project. See Weekly Discussion Rubric.
  5. Read Week 5 Lab Assignment. Complete Lab Assignment #5 by:
    1. submitting the Lab #5 answer form in the online classroom
    See Lab Rubric
  6. Take Quiz #5 in the online classroom. See the Weekly Quiz Rubric.
  7. At the end of the week, compose a summary of the main things you learned about the geology of the Pacific Northwest and post it in the online classroom Week 5 Summary. See the Weekly Summary Rubric.

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Geology of the Pacific Northwest
Agenda Week 5
updated: 6/21/13