Themes of the Week:
The themes this week include geologic structures and how geologic structures are expressed in the Pacific Northwest.
To fully explore these themes you will:
- Name and define major geologic structures.
- Draw or recognize cross-sections of major geologic structures.
- Draw correct fold symbols and offset arrows on geologic structures in block diagrams and cross-sections.
- Recognize the major geologic structures on a geologic map.
- Relate the different types of geologic structures to the different types of stress in the crust: compression, tension, and shear.
- Describe how the development of different types of geologic structures in the Northwest at different intervals of geologic time may relate to changes in the regional stress that was acting on the crust, and how that may correlate with changes in plate motions.
- Point to, circle on a map, and label specific places in the Pacific Northwest where large-scale examples of each of the major geologic structures are located.
By completing the following:
- Read Lecture 6-Geologic structures of the Pacific Northwest and its linked Basics and Focus pages and refer to them in your assignments.
- Participate in the Week 6 Discussion in the online classroom. See Weekly Discussion Rubric
- Read Week 6 Lab Assignment. Complete Lab Assignment #6 by:
- submitting the Lab #6 answer form in the online classroom
- completing and mailing, via postal mail, the map and block diagrams of geologic structures that you have marked and labeled according to lab instructions
- Take Quiz #6 in the online classroom. See the Weekly Quiz Rubric.
- At the end of the week, compose a summary of the main things you learned about the geology of the Pacific Northwest and post it in the online classroom Week 6 Summary. See the Weekly Summary Rubric.
- If you did not do so during Week 5, this is your last chance to prepare and post your Term Project Plan. See the Term Project Plan Instructions. Be sure to check that your term project plan meets the standards outlined in the Term Project Plan Rubric before posting it in the Term Project Plan folder.
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Geology of the Pacific Northwest
Agenda Week 6
updated: 6/21/13
Agenda Week 6
updated: 6/21/13