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I. Progress on Term Project
Part of your assignment for this
week is to submit a progress report on your term project.
You will fill in the information in the Lab 9 Answer Form regarding your term
project progress in terms of the following categories:
- Field work performed to date
- Other research (library,Web) performed to date
- Work yet to be completed
- Changes from original plan
II. Virtual Field Site
Re-explore the San Juan Island Virtual Field Site and answer the following questions.
- (Fill in the blank) The shear zones in the San Juan Islands have been interpreted in two different ways. One interpretation is that they show terranes being thrust towards the _________, consistent with being shoved straight into the continent by a normally subducting plate.
- (Fill in the blank) The other interpretation is that the shear zones show the terranes being thrust towards the _________, consistent with being shoved parallel to the continental margin by a plate that was either subducting obliquely or undergoing transform plate motion.
- Where were the Deadman Bay Volcanics located in Permian-Triassic time? What is the evidence?
- Where were the Deadman Bay Volcanics located by Late Cretaceous time? What is the evidence?
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Geology of the Pacific Northwest
Lab Assignment 9
updated: 6/17/13
Lab Assignment 9
updated: 6/17/13