Photos of Pacific Coast, Cascades, Columbia Plateau
Geology of the Pacific Northwest

Week 9 Lab Assignment
  1. Progress on Term Project
  2. Virtual Field Site

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I. Progress on Term Project

Part of your assignment for this week is to submit a progress report on your term project.

You will fill in the information in the Lab 9 Answer Form regarding your term project progress in terms of the following categories:

  1. Field work performed to date
  2. Other research (library,Web) performed to date
  3. Work yet to be completed
  4. Changes from original plan

II. Virtual Field Site

Re-explore the San Juan Island Virtual Field Site and answer the following questions.

  1. (Fill in the blank) The shear zones in the San Juan Islands have been interpreted in two different ways. One interpretation is that they show terranes being thrust towards the _________, consistent with being shoved straight into the continent by a normally subducting plate.
  2. (Fill in the blank) The other interpretation is that the shear zones show the terranes being thrust towards the _________, consistent with being shoved parallel to the continental margin by a plate that was either subducting obliquely or undergoing transform plate motion.
  3. Where were the Deadman Bay Volcanics located in Permian-Triassic time? What is the evidence?
  4. Where were the Deadman Bay Volcanics located by Late Cretaceous time? What is the evidence?

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Geology of the Pacific Northwest
Lab Assignment 9
updated: 6/17/13