Photos of Pacific Coast, Cascades, Columbia Plateau
Geology of the Pacific Northwest

Term Project Written Summary Rubric


The term project written summary is a 500-1500 word summary of the results of your term project that is posted in the online classroom. See the Term Project Instructions.

Be sure to name the location of your term project field site (preferably in the title or subject line), describe the location, mention the predictions you had made in your term project plan, describe the geology you found and documented with photographs at the field site, compare those results with what you had predicted, and summarize the geological history that created the geology of the field site.

At the end of the summary, include the list of references you compiled for your term project. The reference list is not included in the 500-1500 word count.

Term Project Rubric
Exemplary Adequate Developing Underdeveloped


  • posted by due date
  • posted in the term project written summaries section of the online classroom
  • field site location in title and in message subject line
  • summary in body of message, not an attachment


  • description of field site location
  • brief reprise of what you predicted, in your term project plan, for the geology of the site
  • description of the geology you found and photographed at the field site, including rock types, officially named formations, geologic structures, contact relations, and landforms
  • comparison of what you had predicted with what you actually found
  • summary of the geological history that created the geology of your field site
  • the summary of the geological history of your field site explains the geology you observed, photographed and described, not things you did not observe
  • writing meets exemplary or adequate standards, including references


  • posted by due date
  • posted in the term project written summaries section of the online classroom
  • field site location in title or in message subject line
  • summary in body of message, not an attachment


  • description of field site location
  • brief reprise of what you predicted, in your term project plan, for the geology of the site
  • description of the geology you found and photographed at the field site, including rock types, officially named formations, geologic structures, and landforms
  • comparison of what you had predicted with what you actually found
  • summary of the geological history that created the geology of your field site
  • the summary of the geological history of your field site explains the geology you observed, photographed and described, not things you did not observe
  • writing meets developing or adequate standards, including references


  • posted by due date
  • posted in the term project written summaries section of the online classroom
  • field site location in title or subject line
  • summary in body of message, not an attachment


  • description of field site location
  • brief reprise of what you predicted, in your term project plan, for the geology of the site
  • description of the geology you found and photographed at the field site, including rock types, geologic structures, and landforms
  • comparison of what you had predicted with what you actually found
  • summary of the geological history that created the geology of your field site
  • writing meets developing or adequate standards, including references


  • posted by last day of class
  • posted in the term project written summaries section of the online classroom
  • summary in body of message, not an attachment


  • description of field site location
  • description of the geology you found and photographed at the field site, including rock types, geologic structures, and landforms
  • summary of the geological history that created the geology of your field site
  • writing meets underdeveloped or developing standards



An exemplary term project written summary will have:

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Geology of the Pacific Northwest
Term Project Written Summary Rubric
updated: 6/13/13